How To Choose The Perfect Grill

Charcoal or gas? Gas or 해외축구중계 charcoal? The timeless debate. It is said that over 65% of Americans choose a gas grill over a charcoal grill. For my husband and I when time came to make a decision between charcoal and gas it was gas that was our choice. It wasn’t a matter of taste for me, it was a matter of ease. Oh, there are times when I lament the loss of the taste of a burger cooked over charcoal, nothing is quite like it. Some say there isn’t much of a taste difference with hamburgers cooked over gas vs. charcoal, but I have to disagree. However, for us convenience overshadows any loss in taste.

Another reason we chose the gas grill over the charcoal grill was that we didn’t want to have to deal with dirty charcoal briquette and with trying to light them and then waiting for them to be hot enough to cook. We also didn’t want to have to deal with the mess that comes with having to clean a charcoal grill. Charcoal ash is very dirty. A propane container lasts through approximately 20 hours of cooking.

Along with being able to start the gas grill and start cooking within minutes, with our gas grill we have much more control over the temperature...

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